Externship Outline
Real-time communication with senior vets
At all times the student will have access to one of the more senior doctors for consultation, case review, or any questions/problems that may arise during the course of a day. If consultation is requested or required during non-business hours, a Dr. will always be available for consultation or advice.
Daily and Weekly Meetings
The new grad will have a daily meeting scheduled with Dr. Pan or Dr. Josh to discuss concerns/questions about the previous day’s cases and identify areas/topics that require more instruction or review, including the identification of current standards of care for the diagnosis and management of the condition in question.
A weekly meeting will be scheduled with Dr. Josh or Pan to set educational goals for the next week and to identify any areas where there is a gap in skill sets or knowledge base
Review of current proceedings from recent conferences in VIN on daily/weekly basis
Review of special topics of interest and case management using the message boards on VIN
Review of the SOC and/or current standards of care for diagnosis and treatment of all new conditions seen in patients in clinic using VIN, Kirk’s Current Vet Therapy, or equivalent resource
Monthly review of the following publications: Compendium of Veterinary Medicine, JAVMA, Today’s Veterinary Practice and Clinician’s Brief
Surgical Training
Prior to participating in a surgery, a review of the relevant anatomy in Miller’s or equivalent text should occur, along with a review of the surgical procedure in Small Animal Surgery (Fossum) or equivalent.
All surgical procedures will be performed jointly with a staff veterinarian. The student will initially focus on tissue handling and suturing skills. Exposure to surgery will be provided at both hospitals, and every effort will be made to have the student present to observe, participate and/or perform new procedures.
SOC Creation w/ Monthly literature Review
On a monthly basis, the student will be responsible for selecting a disease/topic, review current literature concerning the accepted standard of care for diagnosing/treating/monitoring the condition and present the SOC to the other Drs. for review, discussion and implementation at both hospitals
Initial case review and caseload
Initially, the student will be required to review the patient assessment with the Dr., devise a list of possible differentials based on patient history and physical exam findings, then formulate a diagnostic/treatment plan prior presenting the options to the client. This plan will be reviewed and discussed with a Dr. prior to implementation. The student should also be prepared to develop an alternate plan of action to supplement the desired plan, to accommodate clients with financial limitations.
Coaching on Client Communication and Leadership
We will, by example in exam rooms and on the phone, set an example of the style of communication we would want a new student to strive towards to perform their role as a vet most effectively. This is going to be part of the weekly and monthly meetings with Dr. Pan and Dr. JS.